Few weeks ago I was installing new version of Ubuntu on my PC and faced with the problem connecting to server with delug. deluge-gtk was used for that operation. But in the Ubuntu 19.10 eoan version there is an updated 2.0.3 version of deluge https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/deluge-gtk

The problem is in the server that need the same version of deluge to work with. It's not an option to update deluge on the server. The solution installing Deluge version 1.x was found.

Add repo of deluge:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/ppa

Change distor name:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deluge-team-ubuntu-ppa-eoan.list

eoan → bionic

Or add repo with one command only:

sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64] http://ppa.launchpad.net/deluge-team/ppa/ubuntu bionic main'

Updare repos:

sudo apt update


Check if we have an old Deluge version to install:

apt-cache showpkg deluge-gtk

apt-cache showpkg deluge-common

Install the version that we need:

sudo apt install deluge-common=1.3.15-1~zesty~ppa2 deluge-gtk=1.3.15-1~zesty~ppa2

Mark both applications on hold to prevent an upgrades in future:

sudo apt-mark hold deluge-common deluge-gtk

Check that everything installed fine.

apt-mark showhold

To update packages you've previously hold type the command below:

sudo apt-mark unhold deluge-common deluge-gtk


Before updating deluge to the latest version on the server you should read forum carefully to prevent loosing your configs.


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