You can add images to Flyout cart to make look better! Use the same approach from previous article, adding normalizer for Variations.
Variations normalization. Add to services.yml in your module
my_commerce.cart_normalizer.product_variation: class: Drupal\my_commerce\Normalizer\VariationCartNormalizer tags: - { name: normalizer, priority: 2 }
In my case Product entity has an image, so we take it from there.
$images = $entity->getProduct()->field_images; if (!empty($images) && isset($images->entity)) { $original_image = $images->entity->getFileUri(); $style = \Drupal::entityTypeManager() ->getStorage('image_style') ->load('thumbnail'); $destination = $style->buildUri($original_image); if (!file_exists($destination)) { $style->createDerivative($original_image, $destination); } $attributes['image'] = $style->buildUrl($original_image); }
Now you can use in commerce-cart-flyout-offcanvas-contents-items.html.twig template your image
<% _.each(cart.order_items, function(orderItem, key) { %> <img src="<%- orderItem.purchased_entity.image %>" width="70px" height="70px" /> <% }) %>
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