Oh man, finally I've released it. It was a hard work at night after my regular daily job.
This game was developed with custom engine which is based on SDL library. The language I've choose is C++ but with C in some moments. I'm stil using unsafe pointers because I've used to do it back there in 20 years before when I was a kid.
The mechanics I've selected is a lovely rocket jump from Quake games. I really enjoy deathmathes with custom server configuration when health is not decreasing on rocket jump.
This game was created with old NES game in mind where the games is hard from the beginning. With hard enemies, hard levels and good graphics.
I'm not a graphics designer so all assets were create by Maks Fadeev which did really a good job. Music was composed via AI by D3MASTER pal.
Another cool thing I've used is Tiled editor which has "Custom type editor" where I can add any class with properties and then just process it in the game. Previously I've used this feature in my unreleased game CUCU HERO. For sprites editing I've used Aseprite. IDE for developing is VSCode. Build system is CMake. I really like integration of CMake with VSCode. Work pretty well.
The most funny feedback from the gamers was "How to jump?" :)