STOP 0X00000074 (0X0000000000000002, 0XFFFFF88002E22B20, 0X0000000000000002, 0XFFFFFFFFC000009A)

If you get BSOD STOP 0X00000074 error on Windows booting,  you must to boot from bootable Windows DVD installation disc.
Run bcdedit commnad from Recovery console and type next commands.

bcdedit /deletevalue {default} numproc
bcdedit /deletevalue {default} truncatememory

Those commands would change quantity of processors and maximum memory option.

Cleaning huge Drupal 7 DB dump

Sometimes there could be an issue with huge DB which was created not with backup_migrate module but raw mysqldump command. The size of the DB could be over 2GB. Most of the data of this dump are cache tables and logs. Editing this file is not a good choice.

Current solution will remove INSERTS from the file. sed command come in handy here:

Pixus 10.1 3G Android 4.4.2 remove malware

Chinese tablets it's not only the cheap price, but in uther cases it's not funny surprises. It was the first time I've met the problem, when the stock firmware has a virus/malware. Couple of them.

MediaTek MT8392 processor, it's the twin of  МТ6582. First is used in tablets, second in phones. I want Cyanogen to run on this device, but didn't found one. I thought that it would be great to repack cyanogen mode myself. Sources are available across the net. But I keep calm, sit down and start to struggle with virus.

Colorbox slideshow with views from multiple images field by first image

This article about colorbox and views: how to display first thumb styled image of the multiple image field and after click on it display all images in colorbox.

First of all install views, libraries, colorbox и colorbox plugin.

$ drush en views libraries colorbox -y

Download colorbox plugin and unpack it in libraries folder.

Theming xsreensaver

The UI of xscreensaver window is a bit old and not so retro as it could be. Unfortunately there is no way to customize the window view mode and elements placement (except rewrite it to your needs). But there is a field for experiments with colors and sizes for some elements.

Android Soft Reboot

One day my phone got veeeeeery slow. Killing apps in Settings — Application is not the real way for me and I started to Terminal. Of course, my device rooted. So, all command done in SU mode.

I saw a weird (lol) proc called system_server. So I decided to kill it. He he. Device did soft reboot and display rectangle with text «Safe mode» in left bottom corner.

$ ps -m 10 -s vss

Weird, I think) I actualy did nothin. Netwrok was working, so I open browser to search the answer.

How to kill application on Android

Common user most of time doesn't care about RAM of his android device, about processes that running on background etc.
User who know what is RAM install apps to clear it. But we are not common users and wont install apps to kill. We gonna kill them ourselves.

You must be root, have busybox and terminal emu installed.

You can use am force-stop <package name>.
or am kill <package name>.

am kill only kills "processes that are safe to kill": i.e. a process with no running services or activities.