Sometimes you need to test some functionality on mobile device but from the website which is running on your laptop. There is a simple solution - SOCAT.
DDEV is a great tool for local development and currently I'm using it on some of projects. It has internal command to share website over internet with ngrok
But it's not the case for local development. There is simplier:
Install socat. I have "socat version on Feb 4 2021 12:53:19"
sudo apt install socat
Then check your internal IP:
run website and check it's port
ddev start ddev status
run socat
socat tcp-listen:PORT_LISTEN,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:PORT_WEBSITE
something lke that
socat tcp-listen:8181,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:49259
And here you go, open web browser on mobile and goto:
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